HPLC – High Performance Liquid Chromatography, UPLC

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or Ultra-performance liquid chromatography is an analytical technique widely used for separation, identification and quantification of various biological analytes. It relies on high pressure pumps to transfer a solvent through a packed column and separate the molecules based on its interaction with solvents and packed column material. The detection can be achieved depending on the spectral characteristics of the analyte. Various detectors including RI, PDA, UV, CAD,ELSD, MALS and FLD are available for orthogonal analysis, a suitable detector need to be selected based on the specific application.


Agilent 1260 – 1290, Shimadzu Nexera – iSeries, Thermo Vanquish, Waters Acquity



A comprehensive overview of our capabilities in intact mass analysis, light and heavy chain and PTM analysis.

A comprehensive overview of our capabilities in intact mass analysis, light and heavy chain and PTM analysis.

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